January 4, 2010

Francisco Da Costa
Environmental Justice Advocacy
4909 Third Street
San Francisco, California 94124

Stanley Muraoka
Environmental Review Officer
San Francisco Redevelopment Agency
One South Van Ness Avenue, 5th Floor
San Francisco, California 94103


The 4,400 pages of the Draft, Environmental Impact Report (EIR) linked to Candlestick Point and Hunters Point Shipyard Phase II is replete with faulty information linked to the many maps, a totally defective base-line linked to Ocean Rise, Climate Change, Wind Patterns and this fact alone calls for a completely new Environmental Impact Report.

The First People of San Francisco are the Muwekma, Ohone. In 1991 the Muwekma Ohlone exercised their Right of First Refusal on Hunters Point. The United States Navy knows about this. The City and County of San Francisco has acknowledged the Muwekma Ohlone and so has the SF Human Rights Commission. The General Plan and the South Bayshore Plan has precise information about the Patrimonial Jurisdiction of the Muwekma Ohlone. Yet, this faulty, fake Draft, EIR first fails to acknowledge the First People of San Francisco and secondly has failed to consult them on Shellmounds (Sacred Burial Grounds) of the ancestors of the Muwekma Ohlone. Aho.

The Cultural Section in the Draft, EIR is so devoid that is defies logic more so because there are over 20 sites some within the Draft,EIR area and others in very closer proximity. These facts must be remedied, reviewed and needs further investigation with expert anthropologists, archeologist, sociologists, geologists, hydrologists, and structural engineers having a say in the matter.

The Transportation Document is devoid of precise information as I alluded to in the maps. Residential areas are marked as Commercial and this one fact creates the very problems that fail to gather precise information and more characterize the area that will be adversely impacted.

Some thirty thousand new residents will reside in the proposed fake Draft, EIR. Yet, there is no mention how so many people can be accommodated in the area without any impact to streets such as Carol Street, Ingalls Street, Palou Street, Areas such as James Town, Little Hollywood, the Town Center by Third Street. Plans for upgraded public transportation on Palou Street leading to the Hunters Point Shipyard has not been discussed with the present residents, home owners, and this fact alone defies why this fake Draft, EIR is being rushed.

Proposition P passed in the year 2000 states clearly that the entire Hunters Point Shipyard should be cleaned to the highest standards. These is the responsibility of the United States Navy that still has jurisdiction over Parcel B, C, D, E, F, G. UC1 and the other parcels being craved out and named. These have not been mentioned in detail in the current Draft, EIR. The constituents of the Bayview Hunters Point should be given detail information.

Depleted Uranium was first tested on Hunters Point Naval Shipyard. Many areas on the Shipyard have areas where large animals that were radiated were buried - the Draft, EIR ignores this fact in one defective sweep betrays the ignorance of those that prepared the Draft, EIR. One bomb left Hunters Point to be dropped on Japan revealing the various Atomic Projects at the Shipyard. The National Defense Radiological Laboratory was at Hunters Point Shipyard and no detail mention has been made in the Draft, EIR and the adverse impacts of the various experiments that to this day are affecting thousands of innocent constituents.

Over two thousand tons of Methane Gas per year is emitted at Hunters Point which is ninety five percent landfill - one ton of Methane Gas equals twenty two tons of Carbon Dioxide. Yet, the Draft, EIR brags of some United Nation Facility that will stand for Sustainability while all over the place Methane Gas has and will be spewing because of the largesse of Methane Gas that has polluted the entire Watershed at Hunters Point Naval Shipyard.

Over the last thirty years the City and County has failed to address Health and Safety Issues that have not been addressed in the fake Draft, EIR. There is empirical data in the various local hospitals linked to cancer, asthma, and various other respiratory diseases. Over hundred children over the last twenty years have been delivered as still born babies. Thousands of innocent mothers have been traumatized. Many children have been born with deformities. Yet, this fake Draft, EIR has failed to address serious Health and Safety issues.

The Draft, EIR was released during the holidays to fast track this document and cater to some vested interests Michael Cohen and Tiffany Bohee that have with intent tried to hoodwink the constituents of San Francisco. Both these individuals have been told and warned but since they do not live in the community, do not have the better interest of the community, are in bed with a Rogue Company Lennar that is really behind this fake Draft, EIR - these two City and County of San Francisco employees have failed to serve the better interests of San Franciscans and the constituents of the Bayview Hunters Point in particular. The dubious actions and false statements of Tiffany Bohee must be questioned. It is time that those that testify are SWORN, we hear too many lies at the many meeting held at City Hall and more at the community meetings.

The one hundred seventy eight so called Dog and Pony shows mentioned many times by Tiffany Bohee were just that dog and pony shows and not once was there meaningful dialog on the issues related to the Draft, EIR that is the main focus of the discussion and review at this time. On Phase One of this continued Project - Lennar failed to abide with Dust Mitigation Plan and was fined $515,000. Lennar with intent did not have in place Asbestos and Dust monitors in place and for months we are told that batteries were missing.

The entire area at the Shipyard comes under the jurisdiction of the United States Navy and the area has not been conveyed to the City and County of San Francisco. The area called Alice Griffith is under the Housing and Urban Development (HUD) and has not been transferred. Twenty three acres that were negotiated as part of Senate Bill 792 are in the pipeline and most of the land is very toxic. We have yet to review the detail characteristics of this very toxic land - much of it a former garbage site prone to liquefaction and flooding.

Thirty to forty story buildings are planned in an area that should be left as Open Space after all this land was once wet land an important factor that contribute to a health Bay and our continuing Eco-System. The land belongs to the Muwekma Ohlone: www.muwekma.org

Recent maps provided by the National Aeronautical Space Agency, the United States Geographical Survey, the Bay Area Development Commission, have not been incorporated in the fake, Draft, EIR linked to Candlestick Point and Hunters Point Shipyard. Latest documents from the Copenhagen Climate Summit calculate the Ocean Rise to be over eight feet within the next ten years. This important empirical data has not been incorporated in the fake, Draft EIR.

In the rush to accommodate a Rogue Developer Lennar and under pressure by Mayor Gavin Newsom whose leadership qualities were adjudicated by all of California prompting the man that talks from both sides of his mouth to withdraw from the impending California Gubernatorial Race - fast tracking this fake Draft, EIR to accommodate the NFL 49ers Football Team that has chosen to stay in Santa Clara and refused the bread crumbs thrown to it by Mayor Gavin Newsom and his cronies. Among them Senator Diane Feinstien.

The constituents of San Francisco have been kept in the dark and what is most insulting is that the San Francisco Planning Department, the Department of Building Inspection, the Mayor's Office of Economic Development have cooperated with Lennar because this fake Draft, EIR for all practical purposes has been paid for by Lennar. The same Lennar that has slowly poisoned our children and elders in the Bayview, is the same Lennar that promised to build 10,000 homes at Mare Island that is part of the City of Vallejo and after ten year had nothing to show. Then turned around and declared BANKRUPTCY.

We the people that live in the Southeast Sector that includes Executive Park, Little Hollywood, the Alice Griffith Public Hosing, Oakdale Public Housing, Hunters View, the residents of Kiska Road, Dog Patch, Potrero Hill, Portola District, Visitation Valley, the Third Street Corridor, Northridge, the many that live in and around James Town and those in Recreational Vehicles by Candlestick Stadium and beyond - cannot be fooled by this fake, Draft EIR.

Any Environmental Impact Report or Study must take into account Quality of Life issues - large projects are built for the living beings and that includes non-humans. An important principle is the Precautionary Principle that has been left out in this process. It is on our books as an Ordinance. Cumulative Pollution is critical and left out by this fake, Draft EIR and so are detail characteristics of very toxic land, prone to liquefaction and flooding. No one can fool all the people all the time. Back to drawing board.

The State of California calls for twenty percent energy conservation on the consumption of water and electricity. As much as Lennar may promise this, that and the other ö the Draft, EIR has not revealed in detail how our energy use, clean water, the sewage, the adverse impacts on the area and watershed will be impacted. The role of the San Francisco Public Utilities Commission (SFPUC) has not been mentioned. Silently, the SFPUC has agreed to cater to accommodating the infrastructure at Hunters Point that is polluted with Asbestos Structures. Not too long ago there was a reading of 400,700 structures per cubic meter affecting wide area including the entire Hunters Point Area and Candlestick Point.

The novice San Francisco Planning Department Staff has no clue about capping, liquefaction, flooding, the characteristics of the Superfund Site that is Hunters Point, the many toxic hot spots outside Hunters Point in and around Candlestick Point. The staff of the SF Planning Department have failed to provide the SF Planning Commissioners with detail information and because of this pertinent factor - the present SF Planning Staff must be removed and others, educated on issues hired to handle this important Draft, EIR linked to Hunters Point Shipyard and Candlestick Point.

Finally, the process of the hearings, at the meetings before the San Francisco Redevelopment Agency and the SF Planning Commission meetings have been conducted in a hostile environment. Thugs have been bused in, paid and fed and told to say things that have nothing to do Draft, EIR. The majority of them have NOT read on single line and purport to know it all. The residents of Alice Griffith should not continue making their abode at Alice Griffith the entire population must be transferred to cleaner facilities and offered healthier amenities. No living beings can live and should live near a Superfund Site. The evidence is there but no one wants to look at it, less address the issues at hand.

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